Why the Internet?
The future is here.
As each day passes, the Internet's World Wide Web
becomes what the telephone has been --
the first source for information, research and ideas,
product details, and professional contacts.
Why you?
The Web is a great equalizer.
No matter how well established you are in your field,
you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with newcomers.
Why The Transitive Empire?
Our specialty is communication.
We don't pepper our speech with technical jargon.
We are 'de-mystifiers'.
Not only can we help you get on line,
we can help you feel comfortable using the Web.
If you want a website, we can do the work for you,
help you to do it, or teach you to do it.
The choice is always yours.
Our services include precisely what you need.
We can use your logo or create one for you,
prepare original graphics,
and contract photography if needed.
Naturally, we will give your text the same editorial care we use for printed material.
Your website will be stable --
it won't crash browsing software with flashy but unreliable technologies.
We can give you advice on using your site to best advantage,
how to encourage visits,
and what brings visitors back.
The Transitive Empire creates sites that are both 'Lynx friendly'
so you don't lose half the world's university users,
and handicapped accessible
(with alternative texts for images,
page layout that permits effective text-to-speech,
and avoidance of auto-run multimedia).
A potential customer flying at 35,000 feet,
and browsing your website using a palm computer,
won't be greeted by empty or illegible web pages!
Likewise, the Americans with Disabilities Act will soon be applied to websites --
so be prepared by creating accessible sites now.
We are members of the HTML Writers Guild and contributors to the Sams.net standard textbook, HTML Unleashed.
A few of the diverse websites we have built:
Home About Us
Articles, Papers, Supplements
Contact Us