Papers, essays, stories by Dennis Báthory-Kitsz
- Imagination and Exploitation: Some History of Digital Technology in My Music-Making (2004), essay about the composer's transition to digital tools.
- Thoughts on the Small Form (2004), sidebar about short forms for Vox Novus New Music Box article.
- Everybody's Gotta Trust ... But Verify? (2003), polemic about copy protection and corporate delusion.
- Preserving the Future's Past: EA Artists Must Take Care of Their Own Archives (2002), conversation and recommendations about archiving audio artworks.
- Riding the Cheap Electron (2002), paper presented at Dartmouth College about a composer's history with synthesis.
- The Pros and Woes of Being a Self-Taught Composer (2002), article on the topic for New Music Box.
- No Denial of the Bête Familiale (2001), paper presented at Dartmouth College about the role of the computer musician.
- Xenakis: The Continuing Composer -- A Personal Reflection on Iannis Xenakis (2001), article on the influence of Iannis Xenakis.
- The Curse of Love (2000), paper presented at Dartmouth College about eclecticism, copyright, and interactivity.
- How to Get Here from There (Stomach Music to Sourian Slide) or Is There a Reason You've Canceled My Premiere Yet Again? (2000), paper presented at Goddard College about the composer's life and work.
- Road Ahead, Road Behind (2000), original article for Slashdot revealing the creation of No Money (Lullaby for Bill) from Bill Gates's voice.
- Destined for Obscurity Again -- How Partch Influenced Me (2000), article reflecting on Harry Partch..
- The Patron Saint of Mediocrities (1999), paper presented at Bregman Studios of Dartmouth College about the composer's life and work.
- Turning Sausage Back Into The Pig: The Year 2000 Problem in Northfield, Vermont (1999), a look at Year 2000 problems and how they are affecting my local community.
- 'Our Demented Therapeutic Culture' (1998), essay written for Kalvos & Damian on the erosion of cultural daring.
- A Challege for Richard Branson (1998), a letter suggesting Branson transform the landscape of contemporary music.
- The Churchill Society Debate: A Futile Correspondence (1998), an exchange with the Churchill Society on the state of new music.
- Your Music on the Web: Ways, Means, Rights, and the Old West: New Concepts, Paradigms and Fears (1997), article outlining techniques for presentation and protection on the Web.
- I Don't Know How -- or Why: Night Thoughts on the Process of Composition (1995), including a link to an audio version.
- A Cloak for the Lord of Cats (1995), a short-short story about vampiress Báthory Erzsébet, a true historical figure. This story forms the basis of a scene in a proposed opera.
- You Still Make Me Bleed: Letter to a Casual Critic (1994), fierce letter defining the position on the composer in mid-1990s Vermont.
- It's Time to Bury the Dead (1992), intense article calling for the end of performances of older concert music and a revision in thinking and sensibility.
- Composing a New Language (1992), proposal presented at MedArt International by Barbara S.J. Balch and Dennis Báthory-Kitsz to replace lost language skills with musical language developed through interaction and virtual reality.
- Construal of Music Process Architecture (1992), paper presenting personal views and reports on musical composition in Europe.
- Why Do It?: Replies to the Vermont Composers Consortium Questionnaire (1989), answers to strange questions posed by a strange organization.
- The Clinic: A Dream Writ Down (1988), an actual, cold-sweat-inducing dream recorded the next morning as a short story.
- Variations on the Notion of Variation: Questioning the Whys of Composing (1987), internal conversations about the art of composing.
- The Image Behind the Glass (1986), talk to ID Expo in Boston on light pens and touch screens that presages modern palmtops, handwriting recognition, and artificial intelligence features.
- The Impact of the Microprocessor (1982), prophetic and political talk about microprocessor technology and philosophy, presented to the ACM at Rensselaer in Troy, New York.
- The Microprocessor as a Modern Odysseus (1982), similar talk with a personal sidelight about music and the arts, presented to the IEEE in Burlington, Vermont.
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