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75 performances & realizations, 1969-1999
11 hours of music on one MP3 CD
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b a t h o r y . m p 3
Here's what you get:
live performances
tape pieces from original masters
Autonica Concretia: Music for Playback
- Autoharp 1973
- Construction in Chorus and Sounds 1970
- Construction in Sliding Tones 1970
- D'a'lpp 1972
- Electronic Construction in Glass 1970
- Electronic Construction No. 1 and 2 1970
- exirxion 1996
- For the Invisible 1994
- Praeludium (All White) 1972
- Stomach Music 1972
- Telephone Trip 1972
- Three Concrete Constructions 1970
- zéyu, quân and sweeh 1996
Chamber Bowling: Chamber Music Varietals (Live performances except as marked)
- Bang the Rocks Together 1989 (Midi tracks)
- Brand 9 from Outer Space 1997
- Cat Dances No. 1-3 1994 (Midi string trio on No. 2)
- Dancing Despite Despair 1994 (Midi brass quartet)
- Hoots & Honks 1996 (Midi string quartet)
- Seven Chocolate Eclems No. 1-7 1992
- S'londro (Midi harps) 1996
- The Two-Minute Sneeze 1985
- Thièle Movements 1-3 1991
- Windows on the Moon 1993 (Midi cello)
Cold Stones: Songs without Words (Midi ensembles except as marked)
- Adouane 1994
- Almost Not in Progress 1991
- Architects 1994
- Descent of the Particles 1990
- Gardens: A Love Song 1996
- Graag 1995
- Into the Morning Rain 1998
- Jetlude 1997
- Kibble & Timbrals 1995
- Melisma 1994
- Murkee's Lament 1995
- The Big Drag 1998
- The Particles 1994
Detritus of Mating 1997: Complete hour-long soundscape
The Development of the Consciousness of Space in a Child 1974: Complete four-movement electronic suite
Five Daydreams 1974: Complete five-movement electronic suite
Inline Llamas: Music for Llamas and Electronics
- Llama Butter 1993 (live performance)
- Meditations on the Llama Sutra 1993
Pianostrils: Music for Piano (Midi piano except as marked)
- Csárdás 1989
- Étude 1967
- Emerald Canticles, Below 1993
- Rough Edges 1987
- The Herd 1991
- Two Pieces After Stravinsky No. 1-2 1969
- Variations 1972
Symphonic Wrenches: Music for Large Ensemble
- Car Horn Symphony No. 1 1978
- Car Horn Symphony No. 2 1988
- Exequy on the Death of Igor Stravinsky 1971
- The Lithuanian Liniment March 1975
- Symphony No. 4
- Yçuré 1990
- Softening Cries 1991
- The Lily and the Thorn: A Fanfare for Peace 1990
Voices Past: Music for Voices
- Beepers Finale 1986
- Hypertunes, Baby 1994
- i cried in the sun aïda 1973
- Missa da Camera (complete in five movements) 1978
- Plasm over ocean (complete in three scenes) 1977
- The Moon 1992
- Teething Rings 1975
Zonule Glaes II 1999: Music for String Quartet and Electronics (64 minutes)
Pages produced by Malted/Media Productions