Custom Cabinets, Shelves, Cases and Other Wooden Creations
Welcome to my site of custom-built wood creations. I will build items like this for you. This diverse collection includes cases, shelves, cabinets, stands, frames, doors and even beds. And they are all being used. None of these creations has been posed in a designer home; they are either shown installed or before being handed over to a family member. Some of those in use are dusty and a few even have cobwebs -- and you'll see how they look in a home with down-to-earth people responding to their own practical needs.
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This glass-topped shelf set with legs was made for plants and pots. In this photo the kitchen is being reorganized, but the through-leg design is visible.
Simple CD shelves. This is part of the radio show collection.
Another set of simple shelves with the radio show collection. Even though these shelves are simple, the idea is to keep the design clean and appropriate for the items it holds. (The P-100 laptop is just for old-times' sake.)
Here are built-in shelves for the cassette collection. It was built around the light switch and has an additional large shelf for as-yet-uninstalled power.
Another view of the cassette shelves to show their full width behind the door.
Shelves for random stuff.
Shelves for tape decks. These decks are used for restoration of old audio tapes, and the shelves tip slightly back to make mounting of reels easier and more stable.
Printer shelf -- fully utilitarian, with rounded edges to avoid cascades of equipment.
Cookbook shelves for the kitchen. These are also built-in and serve to hold the old landline phone. Additional shelves not shown in this collection are spare bookshelves that fit into various corners, several different pot shelves (a little snippet of one to the upper right in this photo), VHS shelves, and anything that might hold extra books anywhere.