Custom Cabinets, Shelves, Cases and Other Wooden Creations
Welcome to my site of custom-built wood creations. I will build items like this for you. This diverse collection includes cases, shelves, cabinets, stands, frames, doors and even beds. And they are all being used. None of these creations has been posed in a designer home; they are either shown installed or before being handed over to a family member. Some of those in use are dusty and a few even have cobwebs -- and you'll see how they look in a home with down-to-earth people responding to their own practical needs.
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For custom-made musical instruments, please visit my musical instruments page.
The finished sewing machine stand. Its unusual appearance includes sliding posts and weights. The weights serve two purposes: to bring the sewing machine up to the surface, and to keep the entire structure heavy and stable for sewing.
The sewing machine stand waiting in the workshop. The smooth, hand-rubbed wood surface helps the cloth slide easily.
Putting the machine away, first step: Press down the unlocked machine (locks are below).
The machine gently slides down the posts.
The machine drops into the base.
The machine is all the way down, against the wooden washers.
At the bottom, the machine can be let go as it stay in place.
The machine is locked in place. The supplies drawer is shown open; it is held closed by magnets.
On the bottom is a handle, another option for storing the machine. Visible also is the cable connection; the cables are connected to weights.
The lower knobs are the locks, holding the platform against the weights. The 20-lb. iron weights are hidden inside the side panels.
Right hand knob and cable.
Machine returned to the top of the stand after the locks are released.
Smoothed edges of top and machine platform.
Open drawer showing magnetic latch.
The table top is in two pieces of 5/4 pine with a piano hinge. The top opens and sets on a separate rest..