Custom Cabinets, Shelves, Cases and Other Wooden Creations

Welcome to my site of custom-built wood creations. I will build items like this for you. This diverse collection includes cases, shelves, cabinets, stands, frames, doors and even beds. And they are all being used. None of these creations has been posed in a designer home; they are either shown installed or before being handed over to a family member. Some of those in use are dusty and a few even have cobwebs -- and you'll see how they look in a home with down-to-earth people responding to their own practical needs.

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Closets Over Kneewall

Closets Over Kneewall The kneewall is the bane of space usability in a New England cape. Behind the wall is storage; in front is nothing but an angle. So three closets were built into the space, just far enough out to accommodate hanging clothes and several deep shelves for storage bins of bedclothes and sweaters. (The third closet is to the left. The home office is just visible at the right edge of the frame.)
Closets Over Kneewall Broad fir doors swing open on rusted strap hinges.

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