The Laszlo Toth School of Art
The Laszlo Toth School of Art was founded by Richard B. Fredette of the DooDaDa Idea Company and Dennis Bathory-Kitsz of Malted/Media for the promotion of artistic ideals embodied in books such as A Random Selection from the Marvin Hodge Archive (three volumes) and The Karmora Papers, as well as plastic and living sculptures and performance events incarnated during the past 25 years. It was established after the "Artist of the Hammer", in 1972, remodeled certain popular Michelangelo sculptures to a more modern sensibility.
The L.T.S.o.A. is a part of Malted/Media Productions, who produced these pages. Click here to send comments or offer suggestions for areas the L.T.S.o.A. might pursue. (Original L.T.S.o.A. T-shirts are gone, collectors items made in 1974, but we have the original silkscreen and are making more. Inquire.)