The CD Marching On! accompanies the entertaining and definitive book Marching On! John Brown's Ghost from the Civil War to Civil Rights, by Robert Allen, available from NNP Publishing.
Now: John Brown's Body Home Page
NNP Publishing
21 East Street
Northfield, Vermont 05663
The music group Hardtack & Homespun performs a wide variety of music from the Civil War era. They present songs of both the Union and Confederacy, as well as dance music and instrumentals of the period. They specialize in songs of emancipation. Songs arranged for piano, voice, recorder, and violin are performed with energy and appreciation for the historical context of the music.
Recorded at the Roxbury United Church of Christ, Roxbury, Vermont, on February 8 and March 8 and 15, 1998
Musical Direction: Robert W. Allen
Recording Engineer: David Gunn
Editing and Mastering: Dennis Báthory-Kitsz
Design and Artwork: The Transitive Empire
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